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Happy New Year 2024

The Prophesy Podcast Blog

Today is December 31, 2023. And I was thinking about the things that I have learned in life over the years.

There's a movie called Lucy. And the actress said she had a wealth of information and didn't know what to do. She was told, to share it with the world and leave it behind. It was admirable wisdom. And so, I share my wisdom on this blog. Mostly because, there are things people just don't talk about.

  1. Always put God first. Respect that He is supreme and creator of all. People often think God doesn't exist either because their favorite relative passed away, or, they experienced much hardship. Those same atheists will call on God when things go awry in their life. Many have said, people in positions of power worship Satan. If its true, surely they have proof that God exists.

  2. Racism is foolish. When law makers pass bills that are designated to go against black and brown people, they turn their attention towards white people. Racist people refuse to admit the plight of others, and when it hits home for them, they call on the black and brown community for help to only turn around and treat people like they aren't a human being. Meanwhile, those same Racist people would never be invited into an underground bunker for safety.

  3. Good people die young and evil people live long

  4. In my opinion, everyone shouldn't be parents. Toxic people breed like rabbits. And the people who would actually make good parents can't conceive

  5. Parenthood doesn't have a instruction manual. But, it's best to ask a lot of questions about all stages of parenthood from people who are parents. Take mommy to be classes, and watch child psychology shows/online courses

  6. When you're a parent, you should know that there's a chance where you'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Your kid/s will cause you heartbreak. If you can't stomach that, you may want to rethink parenthood

  7. Men don't want kids. They want access to sex and free labor

  8. Nobody wants a good woman/man. They want what they don't qualify for

  9. People don't respect nice people. They take it as a weakness and abuse nice people

  10. Never let family live with you. They refuse to leave, never save the money to leave, and they want to do whatever they want to do in someone else's home. They don't want the responsibility of having their own place to live

  11. People can't recognize when they're being respected

  12. Never care about anyone's opinion of you. Chances are, they're the last ones to judge anyone else. They lack integrity and a moral compass

  13. Nobody really wants friends. Their mouths say one thing but their behavior says something else. People cling to those that they can get something out of. And when they're done using people, they plan not speaking. Or, accuse the other person of doing what they've done

  14. Some women are not in competition with other women. Some are. Their competing for the attention and affection of a man. They don't actually want that particular man, they just want to hurt the woman

  15. Schools don't teach anyone what they really need to learn and know. So, you'll have to be self taught. Read everything and watch documentaries.

  16. Travel. Even if all you take is 1 trip per year. If you have to be a solo traveler, do that

  17. Learn another language

  18. College is only useful if you want to be a lawyer, surgeon, nursing, etc. Other than that, you'd be better off with a certification/license with a few add ons

  19. Learn how to cook on a budget, and learn how to preserve food. Because anything can happen at anytime

  20. Always follow your intuitions. Never allow anyone to convince you that you're crazy or "Its the devil". LIES. Your intuition is God guiding you throughout life

  21. The best time to finesse life is the age 20-29. That is the perfect time to educate yourself, learn financial literary, learn another language, travel, and don't have kids!!!!!!!!!!! What people never mention is that kids stop your life, especially when you don't have a community. Father's don't want kids, that's why they abandon their kids. So, you can't depend on a man. You have to want the kid yourself and must be able to afford it

  22. Never depend on a man because they will use money to oppress, suppress, control and abuse a woman into staying. It's too hard for them to change the reason that would make a woman leave. Their pride and ego will not let them face the fact that they are not who they think they are

  23. Never go anywhere if you don't have your own money to get home

  24. Always remember that friends are not actually friends. So keep your business with your man private

  25. Don't believe everything on social media. Its not a real place. Too much consumption will have you thinking the very worst about any particular group of people

  26. Never take the bait of fear mongering

  27. Leave The Country!!

  28. Being a activist puts a target on your back, anything political is not for the people. Its for themselves and they can be bought

  29. Don't trust inconsistent people, or selfish people

  30. Churches are a farce, not God

  31. People have bad behaviors, no social skills, and are disrespectful

  32. If you're mentally unstable, you can feel it. You can see the difference between yourself and others. Don't be ashamed of seeking professional help and taking meds. Many don't realize how much havoc they wreck on innocent people

  33. No one is obligated to take care of their elderly parents. It's selfish for parents to expect that from their kids. And some kids are simply smart enough to relocate to another state

  34. Two wrongs don't equal a right. But making the decisions that are based off of who you are and not how you feel will always be the healthy way to go

  35. The decisions that you make for yourself will manifest the life that you want

  36. A woman is what makes the family a family

  37. You win today, and lose tomorrow

  38. "But I'd rather live poor and clean than rich in corruption" ~ Gregory Issacs

  39. Don't bother being cordial with family. They can't recognize it anyway

  40. Find scriptures about alters and put one in your home. You'll need it. Get a Bible, an Apocryphia, and a Kolbrin Bible. Soon you will experience that mythology isn't a myth

  41. Some people want to be lied to. They reject the truth because they thought about things and convinced themselves of what someone else's truth is, which is a lie. Lie to them, and they eat it up like a plate of good food

  42. When you say one thing and the other person hears something else, that's actually a demonic spirit called Leviathan. Nobody talks about that part

  43. Don't let people figure you out. They use that information to inflict pain later on down the line

  44. Cut narcs off cold turkey. They get into your head and make you believe you need them to survive and its not true. They need what you have so that they can survive. They're not actually in control of anyone

  45. Cut toxic people off quicker for your own sanity

  46. People will say cryptocurrency is a scam all while investing in it themselves

  47. Force people to respect your boundaries. Remember they don't have any social skills and you can't be nice to them

  48. Don't repeat everything you hear or whatever people confide in you about. Know what to say, and who to say it to. And know that some things that you go through you actually have to take it to your grave. Because people will throw your pain back in your face during a disagreement. That's a indicator that they don't respect you

  49. You have to teach people how to treat you

  50. If you do anything for anyone, don't expect anything in return. And pay attention to those who throw hints for you to offer. That's a selfish person that will turn around d and say, "I didn't ask, you offered". Knowing full well they threw hints for you to offer. Know that, its not their first time doing that and you're not the first person they've done it to. Remember, selfish people can't be trusted. They're the main ones in secret competition. You'll know because they will all of a sudden start mimicking you, your style, how you sound, etc

  51. Some men are jealous of women. Some men wish they were born a woman. Because society gives women power because of the vagina. The issue is, women don't know what that power is let alone how to use it. Learn dark feminine energy.

  52. Some men will sabotage a woman's life due to jealousy, by getting her pregnant, leaving, and saying, "Thats your son/daughter". When he uses that phase, know that he never wanted to kid

  53. If you have to give a man money to be a father, he never wanted the kid. They will never admit they never wanted the kid but will look for their kids when they're old and in a nursing home. This is why I'm not opposed to kids relocating to another state

  54. Figure out what you believe in and stand firm on it

  55. Lightly exercise. Whether you ride a bike, walk, hike, garden, or swim. It will keep you active in your old age

57. Companies don't care about you. They want to pay the least amount of money and expect you to do your job and other employees job while calling you a team player. Their gratitude is a pizza party, they'll wait until you show up at work to fire you that day but tell you to give them two weeks notice. If you die, or get fired, you're replaced the next day.

58. Your coworker is not your friend

59. You're not obligated to make anyone feel comfortable

60. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. You'll drive yourself crazy. And besides that, they're not role models. Neither are celebrities


Happy New Year


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