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To The Churches

The Prophesy Podcast Blog

In The Book of Revelation, there is mention of several churches which is a blueprint for The Last Days.

The word Revelation means: "A surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way"

In the Apocryphia, there are several books from Apostles and Prophets that are titled, The Revelation Of...

Typically, letters or stories that had been written on scrolls of a supernatural experience of something Yeshua revealed to the person.

Written to reveal what is to come during the end of days/end of history.

The person who knows and understands these things is so that one is not tricked.

The Bible calls it "deceived".

It is equivalent to being lied to, and accepting the lie as truth which can have serious consequences.

Even though scriptures utilize the word church, and can mean a physical church, it is also referencing an individual person.

Here are several revelations for the 7 churches that most pastor's never mention.

  1. The Loveless Church

This is a person who left their first love. God.

2. The Persecuted Church

Revelation 2:9 "I know the blasphemy of those who say that they are Jews, but are a synagogue of Satan"

Attributed to The Nations (12 Tribes).

Those whom are known as indentured servants.

The Bible says, these nations will experience tribulation for 10 days and given The Crown of Life at the end.

3. The Compromising Church

Yeshua has several things against this individual.

Those whom taught the doctrine of Balaam, which is sexual immorality, and eating things sacrificed to idols (deities). This one has misled The 12 Nations and caused them to "stumble" away from the laws of Moses.

The one knows God's name and has not denied the faith.

This one must repent before The Lord fights against this individual with "the sword" (war) of Yah's mouth

4. The Currupt Church

The Jezebel spirit who taught and seduced The Nations to eat things sacrificed to idols (deities), and sexual immorality (orgies, sodomy, sex magic, adultery, etc).

Side Note: God revealed to me, that a teenager whom has sex outside of wedlock typically get a sexually transmitted disease that stays in their blood as a consequence for, having sex out of wedlock.

So, when you see someone with a canker sore or cold sore, it is a indicator that the person had sex out of wedlock and received a penalty within their body.

Yeshua says He will search the individual's mind, heart, and repay each one according to what he/she has done.

Straight Consequences.

5. The Dead Church

Yeshua says, He has not found this individual's work to be perfect.

This is one who has received and heard about the salvation and second coming of Yeshua.

"You are dead", meaning a person is not paying attention to the signs of the end times. Matthew 24:42-43

Luke 12:40 says The Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

The Dead Church is an individual whom is not ready or prepared for anything.

6. The Faithful Church

An individual whom has a little strength, kept Yeshua's word, and have known His name.

These are ones who's enemies will bow down at their feet and know YAH has loved them.

This is the individual who kept the command to preserve, and will be kept from the hour of trial.

This one will be given a "New Name"

7. The Lukewarm Church

The individual who is neither hot or cold.

Those that do not realize exactly how important salvation is.

This is one whom the Bible instructs to repent.

This is one whom has no spiritual covering of/for protection from Satan, Son of Sedition.

Yeshua is at the door knocking for a one on one relationship.

The reward in the end, will be to sit with Yeshua on His throne just as Yeshua sat on the throne with God.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit of The Lord is saying.

Revelation 2 -3

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