Genesis 41
I have had several warning dreams, that I bless YAH for because He gives me a heads up about things before they happen so I can prepare myself.
This dream was on my heart to post on this blog, and it is because YAH loves The Nation of Israel.
-Isaiah 43:4
In Genesis 41, the historical context is a parable of the 7 skinny cows, and the 7 fat cows. It means famine. Starvation. Cannibalism. Shortage.... For several years.
In my dream, I was shopping for household items and personal items in a "mom and pop" type of store. I was noticing that there was less product in said container. I kept looking around for a product that was new, because to me, what I was seeing was used. And I found none. Not one new item. There was also a lady whom needed psychiatric medications, she was unable to get a new prescription.
Something will happen in and to Babylon that will cause a shortage on household items, personal items, and medications. There will only be used products available, and even that will be limited. Stores such as dollar general, family dollar, dollar tree, the dollar store, etc., will NOT HAVE HOUSEHOLD/PERSONAL PRODUCTS AVAILABLE. And IF they are open, they will have a very limited supply.
The shortage will last for several years.
One must also realize, when products become limited in availability, prices skyrocket.
In my dream, I saw the face of a man. He was livid beyond comprehension, and frothing at the mouth. His anger was unnatural, and he seemed like his agenda was to unalive every woman that he saw. It did not matter that he did not know her. If she was a woman, he was going to become physically violent towards her.
I was discerning what was happening in the spiritual realm about him. And there was a high ranking demon that was in complete control of him, of his mind, of his emotions. It was as if witchcraft was done on him. But, not so much. YAH simply stepped aside. I wondered what YAH was going to do to them, seeing that He was specifically showing me black men. "JUDGEMENT" was all I heard.
The man represented all of the men who partake, willingly, in harming women because they feel rejected.
They are awaiting their time, the green light, to physically harm women. Albeit sexual harm, physical violence, and death.
They Want To.
They have created a movement on social media that is against all women, and specifically black women. As a whole, they have not recognized that YAH has left them. Meaning, YAH has seen everything that they have done and said, and has examined their heart to know the truth. And YAH has made His final decision. JUDGEMENT.
Just as The Roman Empire fell, their movement will also fall. As a whole and individually.
In The Bible, when God left Solomon's Temple, there was zero peace. The temple was ransacked, destroyed, and slavery shortly afterwards.
When YAH leaves, it's because something is terribly wrong.
When YAH leaves a group, a person, a neighborhood, a city, a state, a country, a continent, there will be no peace. And what you're left with is the devil himself who steals, kills, and destroys. Especially the physical body because the body is the temple of God.
God has judged these men, starting with His house first. (Black men)
One has to know that once God makes a decision to judge, He always starts with The Nation of Israel FIRST. That is His order of business.
Some time ago, YAH said a time is coming where it will be embarrassing for anyone to be seen with a black man.
Though He did not reveal to me the specifics of what their judgment is, common sense tells me a few things.
There will be a slow fall due to traitors from within causing the movement to lose its strength. And when the time is ripe, an entity will invade the movement AND take them, black and white, into slavery. As it falls, they will suffer from public humiliation. And that humiliation will be the reason why it will be embarrassing for anyone to be seen with a black man. Those whom God allows to escape will have the burden of telling others what happened and why.
Like a thief in the night, their tragedy will overtake them suddenly. They will never see it coming
Judgement is emotionally painful
Not even the holiest of hollies can change YAH'S mind. It is finished.
The Caucasian man that started the movement on Reddit, will be held accountable, publicly
Women need to get out of God's way and NEVER try to go against His decision. If you try, your fate will be the same as theirs. A fall, destruction, and slavery.
You will see these things come to pass in your life time.
And yes, you will see the lineage of Easu go into slavery in your life time. And that includes SOME black people
Whom is stronger than these men? The police? Russian military? Chinese military? All of the 3 letter agencies? They've already been declared, unbeknownst to them, as a domestic and international threat. But which one has already infiltrated the group to cause division from within? Which one has the power and authority to take them into slavery? To take them into a re-education camp? Perhaps most of them are unaware of the law that was passed to take citizens into these camps for no real reason at all. The LAW literally says, the gov do not need a reason to put anyone into these camps. But God's reason is judgment.
In my dream, I saw celebrities and a man dressed as a woman from the LGBTQIA+ community. The celebrities disappeared and could not be found. But those of the LGBTQIA+ community was still around, but very quiet. Very careful.
God is removing celebrities. Singers, rappers, actors, actresses, mega church pastor's, sports, etc. Because people highly esteem them, more than they love God. In fact, many do not love God at all. One of the things that Moses told The Nation of Israel, is to love God with all their hearts and all their minds because it will keep them safe. Somehow, God's chosen people forgot all about that commandment. And the pastor's did not remind them of the commandment that would keep them safe.
The congregation has to accept the revelation of the type of witchcraft and satanic worship that famous people indulge in behind closed doors. And if you're unique from them, you cannot highly esteem them that hate God at the same time. This is a contradictory on the soul. Choose this day whom you will serve. Your feelings that can't keep you safe, or God who can keep you safe?
To the LGBTQIA+ community, God is understanding, merciful and loving concerning you. This is why the community was still around after the fall of famous people. You MUST return back to your first love. God has been telling the community the same thing about homosexuality for decades, and it has never changed. God knows that sodomy opens realms to demonic spirits that brings them into the timeline that you live in. And these evil spirits are destructive. God wants to keep you safe. To protect you, to provide for you through the days to come of economic collapse, invasions, wars, disease, starvation, etc.
The war between the devil and God is over souls, because God loves His creation. Satan knows that already. And his goal is to take as many people down as possible before the final day of judgement. God does not want that for you. He knows one of the goals of the devil is to decimate the alter which is your body. The humiliation of that alter, to urinate on it, to spread feces on it, to spill the alter's blood especially through sodomy.
God does not like sex magic because the sodomy of it decimates the alter. It is disrespectful.
But you, you have the opportunity to return back to your first love. Do not be part of the community. Do not be gay. Do not alter your body parts. Wear the cloths appropriate for your gender.
A spirit of repentance will cause God to throw your past into the sea of forgetfulness and never remember it again. You will be forgiven and accepted if you repent and change your lifestyle.
If you do not, as it is your free will, you will seal judgement on yourself.
The reason why God's decisions are final is because of the era. It is, indeed, the end of history. When you look around at the world you will see as a sign to you, no peace. When God leaves, He takes His peace with Him. And what is left, is the devil. And what is left is the wiles of the devil who steals, kills, and destroys.
But only this time, because of the sodomy, you will be taken into slavery with the others and sexually used against your freewill.
This, you will see in your life time.
Choose this day whom you will serve. Your feelings that can't keep you safe, or God who can keep you safe.
Some from the community will be left behind in Babylon to tell what happened and why.
This dream and its interpretation is God's word of truth for your awareness. So on the final day of judgment you will be unable to say, "I didn't know".
Look at the prayer of Manasseh. He knew why he had received God's judgment, and why he deserved it.
It reminds me of when the Mexicans left Florida due to the changing of the laws. And the Caucasian man stood in front of the community asking them to return without extending a apology. He never extended an apology. Because he knew the response he got was deserved. And earned.
In my conclusion, this dream that had different scenes all had one thing in common.
Just as Babylon has been judged, God has and will judge people on an individual basis. Starting with The Nation of Israel first. His house. His church. His chosen ones.
Your decisions today will determine your future.
You have freewill.