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The Sabbath

The Prophesy Podcast Blog

The House of Israel should observe the sabbath.

When I was a member of a Christian church, there was a lot that the pastor did not teach. However, I had to take responsibility for leaving my knowledge in the hands of another person. It was my job to read The Bible on my own, to research biblical text, and gain the information on my own.

Needless to say, I began to notice that something was missing and things were not adding up.

I watched many Christian elders pray to no avail. Yet the leaders of the church always told the congregation to wait on The Lord, have faith, be anxious for nothing, and the most talked about scripture... Tithes and offerings!

There was always promises of houses, cars, and marriages.

Quick insert: The church keeps women single. Every time a woman follows what little is in the Bible about a husband, she was always all the way off. The church doesn't talk about what really needs to be talked about concerning relationships/marriages. But this is another blog for another day.

"Sow a seed of $1,000 and God is gonna bless you!"

"You're not prospering because you're not paying your tithes and offerings"

Point is, they talk about all the scriptures concerning giving with a cheerful heart. Yet they don't talk about The Sabbath. They don't teach the congregation the history of their ancient ancestors of olde and what their spiritual practices were. They don't inform the congregation of who they are.

*The House of Israel

In Exodus 20:8-11 Israel was told to remember the sabbath and keep it holy. On that day you and your household should do no work. The Lord blessed the Sabbath and made it holy.

Mark 2:27 says The Sabbath was made for man, not man for The Sabbath.

Genesis 2:3 God rested on the seventh day (sabbath) from all of his work that He had created.

Isaiah 58:13-14

Call The Sabbath a delight, a holy day of The Lord honorable, not going your own way and talking idly, God will give you the inheritance of Jacob.

Luke 4:16

Jesus learned that it was customary to observe The Sabbath, and He would read from the scrolls/The Torah.

Acts 18:4 Jesus went to the synagogue every Sabbath day, to persuade the Jews

and the Greeks.

So we can discern that Jesus observed and honored The Sabbath with reading texts, and teaching others. He knew that He was commissioned by God, as The King over The House of Israel, to teach Israel the same thing. To observe The Sabbath.

"I gave them The Sabbath, as a sign between me and them, that they may know that I AM The Lord who sanctifies them"

Ezekiel 20:12

Last important thing to know, is that The Sabbath Day is synonymous of the day that Jesus died on the cross. It was the day that He rested from all of His work.

As I put into practice the honoring, reading of texts, prayer and music, I began to see how my life was beginning to change for the better. I noticed how my supernatural spiritual gifts began to activate and increase. I began to notice more protection. I began to notice that I remembered my dreams easier. I had more money. And my prayers were answered quicker.

It was then that I accepted that the religion, Christianity does not work for The House of Israel.

Further confirming that the true Israelites are melanated. And further conforming that I AM not "lost", I AM here. YOU are not lost, YOU ARE here. And OUR ancestors of Olde are indeed Abraham, Issac and Jacob.






In the end, Women of Judah, House of Israel, you should be observing The Sabbath.






The Son of Man is Lord over The Sabbath - Mark 2:28

Look, I will force those who belong to Satan's synagogue, those liars who say they are Jews but are not, to come and bow down at your feet. They will acknowledge that YOU ARE the ones I love - Revelation 3:9


Womem of Judah


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