My Testimony:
God has led me to give this testimony for The 12 Tribes of The House of Israel.
I remember my grandmother bringing me to church as a child. When I got older, I went to church on my own.
Mostly because neither of my parents were members of a church.
My mother thinks God doesn't exist.
My Father thinks he doesn't have the type of faith he sees other's to have.
One day, I felt a pull to read The Bible. And there was a Bible in the home, oddly. This led me to going to church on my own.
I then felt a pull to become a Pastor, but I didn't want that for myself. I wanted to live my life.
So, I left God.
When I returned back to God, there were consequences in which I did not understand at the time.
Those Consequences lasted about 3 1/2 years.
The Testimony is this:
When The people of God know God, leave Him by becoming unfaithful to Him/His allegiance and then return back to Him, there are consequences.
And those Consequences lasts for a few years, though a person can shorten the time with repentance and a changed lifestyle.
(Pray Psalm 51)
It did not matter that I did not want those Consequences for myself, or how much I rejected being on the receiving end of said consequences, God's word still stood over mines.
I learned that, when I make a vow to God, when I pledge my allegiance to Him and then break it, it's called transgression. To transgress means to break trust, the break an agreement, a betrayal of a relationship.
See the story of Samson when he broke his Nazirite vow : Numbers 6:1-5
I remember reading stories in The Bible
(In 2024) about The Tribes returning back to God and having to endure consequences, but cannot recall where I read it.
I also realized, here in 2024 that the same things my ancestors did as far back as BC times, my generation is doing the same exact thing.
It's what started endentured servitude from The Egyptian Captivity Era to American Transatlantic Slave Trade.
As of 2024, God has revealed to me that I will live to see slavery returning. But this time, it will be the decendants of those who's forefathers benefitted from slavery.
This tells me:
The earth has always been
Time has always existed
Reincarnation is real
History keep repeating itself since earth and time does not cease to exist
Lastly, if that one group of people whom wear square hats have never in history been slaves, common sense tells me that are not whom is spoken about in scriptures.
Deuteronomy 28 gives a list of things that happened to God's people. Square hat crew don't fit the description.
I also learned that the scriptures were never meant to be for everyone.
Psalm 147:19-20
Pastor's have failed the congregation. Big time.
The gov lied to everyone and it wasn't right for them to do. They morally failed (sin) as well.