I left the church a few years ago for multiple reasons. When I left, YAH began to strip a majority of the things that I knew, old habits, the identity that I have always known. And He began to show me the truth, little by little. In hindsight, I'm thankful He didn't show all of it to me at once. That is because I would have been highly upset.
YAH taught me that my ancestors did not practice a religion, but had spiritual practices. And some things looked like superstition to me. Such as sweeping the floors starting from the back of the house to the front, opening windows while cleaning to let fresh air into the home.
YAH began to show me that mega pastor's and churches, celebrities, were not who the congregation think that they are. And that they mislead His people, many of them practice witchcraft behind closed doors, at night, and during certain times of the year.
I learned what was witchcraft, sorcery, necromancy, abomination to Him.
And what that is to Him is when people engage in child, human, blood, and animal sacrificing to deities such as Molech. What He calls water/marine spirits. Baal, Leviathan, Behemoth, Asmodeus, Santanos, Ashteroth, and fertility gods to name a few. The Torah/Bible/Scriptures never said these spirits weren't real.
However, it does tell The 12 Tribes over and over again, not to "bow down" to them.
It does call these "gods" idols.
The word of The Lord does tell The 12 Tribes don't give them offerings or sacrifices. This includes ritualistic sex magic as well.
(Leviticus 18)
One of YAH's reasons for teaching The 12 Tribes not to do that, is because of safety reasons. One can open up pandora's box through necromancy/witchcraft and be spiritually attacked, which would curse yourself, your kids, grandkids and those in contact with you.
this is why, "to thy seed", the 12 tribes are suffering from the mistakes of the ancestors, the consequences outlined in Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26.
(The Amalekites never got those Consequences throughout their history)
"Spirits" can also straddle or hunch you. We've all heard the stories of humans being given in marriage to demons!
We've either heard of, or experienced, being hunched. Trying to scream for help yet no one can hear it. Trying to break free but can't move.
Being hunched as an adult or child is an indicator of generational curses for not only breaking YAH'S laws, but also someone in the family dabbled in witchcraft.
This situation let's you know that your bloodline is too far away from the traditions YAH gave the ancestors through Moses.
Esther 2:12 Esther bathed in aromatic oils
Ezekiel 16:4-14 Babies cleaned with water and rubbed with salt
Isaiah 3:20 Headdresses, headbands, and bonnets
Isaiah 3:18 Necklaces shaped like the moon
Ezekiel 16:12 -14 Earrings, and nose rings
1 Timothy 2:9-10 Traditional apparel for women is godliness
Judith 10:4 KJVAAE Sandals and jewelry that were tradional to The 12 Tribes, your ancestral culture
These things are tradional for The 12 Tribes
When G-d told His people to "come from amongst them", He was referring to not dressing like other families, don't do the degenerate things they do (through assimilating to others), don't smell like them. Don't look like them. Don't sound like them.. Don't admire who and what they admire. Don't aspire to be like or look like them. When He said you were anointed with oil as a sweet aroma to Him, He meant just that. You're literally royal/royalty. Out of all of the families on earth The 12 Tribes, as one whole family was specifically hand picked and created. Created to exalt His praises through your lifestyle, culture and traditions. Through your worship, gifts to Him and offerings to Him. He loves and honors The 12 Tribes as one whole family, ONLY YOU!!
Amos 3:2
1 Peter 2:9-12
2 Corinthians 6:17-18
Exodus 34:14, Joshua 24:19, 1 Kings 14:22, 1 Kings 19:10-14, Psalm 78:58
Ezekiel 20:41
Song of Solomon 1:3
Ephesians 5:2
Isaiah 25:1
Psalm 150
Psalm 100:2
Daniel 4:37
The Torah tells of others removing your turbans, removing your sandals, erasing your name so you'd forget who you are. But YAH had engrafted His name within your DNA. Even though your parents and grandparents did not know traditions of Tribes to teach you, spiritually you still knew. Spiritually, you still gravitated towards what was spoken to Moses, and written within the first 5 books of the Torah. Though you were the black sheep of the family, YAH saved someone (you) as His remnant. He remembered the Mosaic Covenant He made with the nations.
(12 Tribes)
Have you ever felt like someone/people were "out to get you"?
You're not crazy. Laws were created in Babylon to keep you suppressed and oppressed. Spiritually, you felt it. Now you can put a name to it!
Even the constitution says the nation is 3/5 human. But not so!
In fact, when the Nephilim procreated with humans, they created giants that had 6 fingers on each hand, 6 toes on each foot and tails grew from their backs. Easu flipped his embarrassing history off on the tribes and made himself look like someone he wasn't. And kept the lie going for centuries, generation after generation.
Samuel 21:20-21
Your traditions, culture, royalty, and power was taken by force from your ancestors. When psychological warfare and physical torture did not work, Christianity was created by the roman catholic church.
Children were removed from tribes, taught to speak English, taught to worship a false Christian religion, forced to not read or write. The people was sent to a country where they did not know the language, mouths were bridled because their was power in their tongue!
You see the concept in the bridle on horses, the very instrument the ancestors had strapped around their heads, fashioned in the likeness of the veil/headband.
Tradional patterns and concepts were stolen, patented and turned into capitalism.
You are above and not beneath. Though the concept was stolen and flipped around. You are royal, gods, kings, and queens whom naturally know trade, commerce, publishing, agriculture, laws, medicine, spirituality, perfumers, builders, clothing makers, bakers and cooks, etc.
That doesn't sound dotish, dumb, lazy, uneducated, beggers for a handout to me. Your ancestors spoke, read and written in 6 different languages, none being English!
That stereotypical lie belonged to the Ammonites, Edomites and Amalekites (Esau) whose god is Molech. The Great Deception, The Upside down, flipped around lie!
Every traditional, cultural concept was stolen and flipped around!
Today, what Easu fears is the 12 tribes having power over him. And for political purposes Easu keeps racism and division going to maintain his spot. Easu knows he detests Amalek, but will tolerate him to keep others oppressed. The strategy has always worked and will continue to work because most have not recognized the system. And the ones who have will continue to keep quiet for the sake of their own position. They secretly don't want others to have anything of equal value. There will never be unity, as the Torah has stated, The Amalekites are natural enemies of The Israelites.
Decenter and Decolonize Edom and Babylon.
Now you have clarity and understanding. Embrace your melanin, culture, hair, traditions and Godly spiritual practices.
Come and listen to Bible Study and Readings to learn what Pastors and parents did not teach 👇🏽
Books: America being the latest and most accurate description of the new world by Kimberly R. Norton
How to make a negro christian by Kamau Makesi-Tehuti
(Ancestors were forced to be christian)
For documentaries, maps, newspaper articles, and books that are no longer in print go to:
For more understanding and definitions of words and names utilized in the Bible, go to:
Watch this free 3 part documentary on YouTube: Reclaiming The Throne
"You shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations"
Deuteronomy 12:1
Practice the 7 festivals, The 10 commandments, The Sabbath Day, Fast and Pray