To hear Yah's word may require knowing when He speaks without Him saying a word.
God has sent prophets for centuries to warn the people, that they may know something is wrong. To warn the people of what is coming.
For centuries people have said, "Does the prophet ever have anything good to prophecy?"
"Doom and gloom!!!"
In some era's, the people have chased prophets away.
People cannot discern, mostly because they resist The Holy Spirit.
There are still many people who cannot hear God when a prophet is speaking.
There are still people who cannot see or hear God speaking without Him saying a word.
There has always been prophets who prophesied with 100% accuracy for decades. And when the prophet misses 1 time, the people begin to scream, "FALSE PROPHET".
They throw away everything they've seen God manifest over the years. And nobody asks themselves, why? What does this portend mean?
Common sense would cause a person to know that An Infinite God cannot lie or be wrong. So, what does it mean? What is God doing or decided to do?
The congregation wasn't taught, nor did they think on their own, that some prophecies have taken 70 years to come to pass. And some prophets never lived to see the prophecy come to pass. While other prophecies manifest expeditiously.
(Some call it instant karma)
Point is, Pastor's should have taught the congregation that when they reject the prophet, they are actually rejecting God's word. And when someone rejects His word, He doesn't take to kindly to that. It's equivalent to resisting The Holy Spirit. One must know that God spoke The Holy Spirit into existence, in His likeness and image. Meaning The Holy Spirit looked like Him. A God.
What the congregation views as doom and gloom should be seen as a balm of healing, a balm of salvation. Because He loved you enough to correct you so that you don't make unintentional mistakes. Correction is far better than judgment.
For centuries God has sent His prophets. And for centuries, the people have rejected the prophets. They've always rejected God's word. They've always resisted The Holy Spirit.
You may be asking, what is the solution?
Well, King David, King Solomon, and Queen Esther were an example of how to respond to God's word, His warning.
Repentance. And change.