"The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just"
Proverbs 13:22
When YAH first spoke to me about cryptocurrency I had no idea what it was. I spent time teaching myself by utilizing free resources and books for beginners.
I'm no pro, but I have a basic understanding of what digital currency is. It IS intangible, while fiat IS tangible.
It IS Revelation 13, the beast system of Satan. A consequence of unfaithfulness, idolatry, iniquity and sin.
To be clear, the biblical definition of sin is moral failure.
However, in The Book of Psalm, the song of Moses depicts a story of YAH creating ALL things for His good pleasure, and it is His word that stands true and firm in the end.
But the wealth transfer is not for everyone due to a number of reasons. One being moral failure.
The wealth transfer is attached to conditions.
Though His covenant promises are unconditional, the wealth transfer is conditional.
The 12 Tribes will ha e to take down the shrines dedicated to deities, remove false gods from their homes, return back to their first love and be faithful.
The 12 Tribes must stop, or slow down on morally failing. Basically, get your mind right!
Listen to this podcast where I discuss YAH's dream, and the wealth transfer.