One of the things I had to learn in order to not be deceived was how to discern different spirits.
This skill will be needed for The Church of Christ during the end of history, the end times.
There will be things happening across the world that normally does not happen. Such as Greek Mythology. Foreign things like terrestrials. Old ancient languages, and stories told by grandparents that was once thought of as just a story.
Without the Holy Spirit, it may be hard to navigate what is to come. Without the assistance of ancestors and angels, discerning the difference between the truth and a lie may be difficult. So, here is what God taught me when He was training me.
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is a still small voice. It may sound like your own voice, yet he is separate from your own voice. He is so gentle and polite, so if you're not paying attention, you'll miss what He is saying to you. To hear His voice, you have to listen within yourself and not outside of yourself. Listen from your heart. To build a relationship with The Holy Spirit, talk to Him constantly as if He is right next to you. Eventually you will get to a place with The Holy Spirit where He will tell you the things that are meant specifically for you. He will also give you a heads up about situations. And lastly, He will warn you ahead of time. And if a strategy is needed, He will teach it to you.
Angels are messengers on assignment. Everyone has angels assigned to them, even your children. Different angels have different names, that are associated with their particular "gifts". Angels can be short or tall. Gentle or stern. And the one thing that angels will NOT do, is physically touch a human.
When angels show up, they are a sort of watchman. They are obligated to do for you what God told them to do and say. They cannot leave you until the task is accomplished.
Sometimes, an angel will watch over you while you are asleep to protect you. Some will follow you whenever you leave your home, to protect you.
Some, will teach you strategies for spiritual warfare.
You'll know the voice of an angel because that voice will either be stern of gentle. And at the same time you'll instinctively know that the angel is not playing any games. They have a degree of seriousness about them.
Lastly, you should know that there are a certain number of angels that stay with you all throughout your life. While other angels arrive on assignment, then leave when it is finished.
Demons Or Negative Energy
Demons stink. I call that smell garbage truck juice 5.0
These demonic spirits are tricksters. They will tell you what you want to hear and make promises to give you what you really want. The trick is, they won't, unless you give them something and make a pact with them. Notice when they offer you what you really want, there's never a requirement to change your ways. Changed behavior is a sacrifice. An example of that is pride. Notice how one of the deadly sins is the pride of life, which keeps you separated from God to a degree. So, a demon will never tell you to relinquish your pride because it does not want you to have a relationship with God.
But God will require you to let go of pride as best as you can.
And you will quickly realize that you can't do it all by yourself, you'll need God's help. This is to teach you to trust relying on God for your needs, guidance, provision and protection.
Different demonic spirits will have different smells, but they all stink and will deceive you.
I remember going for a walk one day. It was a beautiful day and very quiet. As I was walking I began to smell a stench but couldn't figure out where it was coming from. As a car began to approach, I realized that smell was coming from the car. It got close to me, and I saw the windows were closed. I couldn't understand why that foul smell reeked through the car. Needless to say, I was smelling the spirit of lust.
Another time, I had an unexpected guest stop by my home. And I saw what looked like a dark negative spirit. It stunk. And it had followed my guest. As I let my guest in, I saw that dark, stinky spirit enter into my guest. I watched the pupils dilate, and aggression kick in. I knew if I told my guest what just happened, I would have been labeled as crazy. So, I got rid of that dark spirit quietly. I knew it worked because the aggression left, and I saw the pupils dilate back to normal.
The thing to recognize when it pertains to demons/demonic spirits/negative energy, is to know that whatever they say or whatever tone they use, they always stink.
Jesus, Yeshua
I have only and always experienced Him as understanding and peaceable. He is comforting and protective. He will typically attempt to reason with you.
He likes to talk but he's not sitting around being a chatter box 24/7. He typically speaks through telepathy. I have never needed to learn telepathy, as it just happened naturally.
Now, this part I can't really explain but I will do my best...
Like petroglyph, the telepathy is a language. Sound will be "downloaded" into me, and I can naturally translate that sound into words. It is something I never needed someone to teach me. It was just a natural "knowing".
So, when Yeshua speaks, it's typically through telepathy and the conversation can be about anything. There's no limitation. And that includes correction.
GOD is source. And source is neither male or female. Source is all ethnicities, all religions, all powerful, rolled up into one being. Source is the creator of all things good and bad whether we like it or not. Source is all knowing, and by "His" will you cannot lie. You are conscious of yourself in His presence, yet have zero control of self in His presence. Most of the time when there is a personal visitation from source, energy is depleted. And it takes about a week for the human body to get back to a equilibrium state. That's because of the pure holiness that He comes with. You can and will literally feel how filthy your flesh is. Flesh becomes filthy through many ways. Cussing, sex outside of wedlock, kids outside of wedlock, drugs, lying, stealing, abortions, bribery, sin, etc.
When God speaks, it is loud! There is no missing it. You will hear the voice of God crystal clear.
For whatever reason source has, He uses a male voice. Which is why I keep using the word he, even though God doesn't have a gender.
He sounds like a stern, fatherly figure. And once He's done talking, you won't have any questions.
When He speaks or shows up, you'll have an automatic respect. The power in and of His holiness will command it.
Lastly, there are times when His voice will sound like water.
When He decides to talk, which is not often, there's a really good reason for that.
It's to let you experience for yourself that He is alive. It's because He ordained for you to be a witness of Him. It is because He has something incredibly important to tell you. It is because you have a purpose or calling for your life.
He chose you.
And, He loves you.
To build your relationship with God, you have to invite Him into your life. Constantly talk to Him. Even when your washing dishes, talk to Him.
He loves worship, so praise and worship works when building your relationship with Him.
He likes compliments.
He also likes when you sacrifice your sleep and time to build with Him.
If you wake up early in the morning and talk to God, He will answer you.
In my conclusion, God is a serious entity. He does not mince His words, He means what He says, and He does not repeat Himself. You will have to acclimate to how He speaks, and not the other way around. Pick up your Bible and read the red lettering for yourself. This is another way to get to know who God is.
And, as we are at the end of history, whate er you have always known, has changed. He has always been who He is. However, He is more serious given the era we are living through. It is time to understand the other aspects of God.