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Celebrating The Jewish Feasts

The Prophesy Podcast Blog

"I Am Black, and beautiful"

Song of Solomon 1:5

The House/Tribe of Israel are the people who God has chosen, out of all of the families of the earth, to be His treasure.

Deuteronomy 7:6

And He sent His son, Yeshua (Jesus) into the world to be the King over The House of Israel (John 1:49, Mark 15:32)

Yeshua said, He was sent ONLY to the lost sheep of The House of Israel.

then said, "It is not right to take the children's food and toss it to their pet dogs"

Matthew 15:21-26

Scriptures clearly state that God sent Jesus for His chosen people to redeem them back to Himself.

As I read the scriptures with spiritual eyes, I was able to discern the life of Yeshua was a foreshadowing of the festivals found in The Bible.

Also, Moses gave the tribe of Israel instructions on how to be set apart from the other families in the world. Israel, was instructed to follow, or, foreshadow the life of Yeshua.

"Their worship of me is useless, because they teach man made rules as if it were doctrines"

Matthew 15:9

Israel was never instructed to celebrate holidays such as New Years, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc. Because those man made rules had nothing to do with being prepared for His second coming for A glorious church without spot or wrinkle to be presentable.

Ephesians 5:27

The map at the top was drawn in the 1500's by a man whom traveled to Africa. He discovered that the 12 tribes of Yah was real, he said there were black Jews, that resided in different parts of Africa. Yet they all practiced the same religion. Yahwism.

"Those who call themselves Jews, but aren't. On the contrary, they are lying"

Revelations 3:2

Herodotus describe the people in Africa to have black skin and hair like wool, like the Ethiopians. This was said 400 years before Cleopatra was born.

In short, The Tribe of Israel's ancient ancestors of olde practiced Yahwism. Or what's known today as Judaism. Christians of today should not be practicing Christianity. The spiritual practice of the decendants and current residents of Africa should be practicing Yahwism, the foreshadowing of Yeshua.

Let's get started...

The Hebrew word for feasts means appointed times. The annual feasts, appointed times, of Israel demonstrates the redemption of God's son.

The Passover (Nisan)

Leviticus 23:5, 1 Corinthian 5:7, Hebrews 4:15

The House of Israel was instructed to place the blood "of the lamb" on their door posts to cause the spirit of The Lord to "Pass over" their homes. The spirit of The Lord symbolized spiritual death and judgment on all who reject God.

The Passover symbolized Yeshua being the sacrificial lamb that atoned for Israel.

The return, second coming, of Yeshua is to redeem the tribe of Israel, and to allow His house to rest in peace and safety. Once and for all. Yeshua presents Himself as the ultimate sacrificial lamb.

The story and history of The Passover should be taught to children.

First Fruits

Levitiucs 23:10, Corinthians 15:20, Numbers 28:26

An appointed time to express gratitude and to depend on God. Israel had to acknowledge that God delivered them from Egypt and had given them the Promised Land.

This day points to the resurrection of Jesus as the first fruits from the dead, that received an incorruptible body. And so shall those who are born again, and a follower of Yeshua.

1 Corinthians 15:35-49

Celebrated from evening to evening.

Rosh Hashanah (Tishri)

The feasts of trumpets

Exodus 23:16, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Leviticus 23:23-25

The first day of Tishri.

A blowing of the shofar or rams horn.

Celebrated for Ten (10) days, also known in modern Judaism as Days of Awe.

This appointed time reminds Israel that it's almost time for The Day of Atonement.

These ten days are used for introspection, self examination, and repentance. It is time to examine one's life, to make amends, and to ask for forgiveness. This is the time to pray for your name, and your children's names, to be written in the lambs book of life. And the wicked people's names are written in the book of death.

Revelation 20:15

The house of Israel waits on the trumpet call of Yeshua, for His second coming.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, 2 Corinthians 5:21

Yom Kippur

Day of Atonement

Leviticus 23:27, Romans 11:1, Zechariah 12:10, Romans 11:25-26

From evening to evening on the 10th day of tishri.

To repent, to make atonement, with a 25 hour prayer and fasting.

Ancient ancestors of olde took these twenty five hours very seriously. The high priest performed rituals to atone for the sins of the people.

Leviticus 16:1-34

The atonement ritual begun with a man named Aaron, the high priest of Israel. God told Moses to warn Aaron not to enter the holy of holiest at anytime. But only once a year. When Yeshua arrived, He came to make a once and for all sacrifice that was sufficient for atonement of sins for Israel.

The Great Tribulation is when God will release His chosen ones from spiritual blindness, and recognize Yeshua as The Messiah.

In essence,

Yeshua's story of His redemptive work begins with His death as the passover lamb, and ends with His second coming.

Several feasts/prophesies were completed and fulfilled Yeshua's first coming. And several feasts/prophesies point towards His second coming.

The more one studies and practices the festivals that have been laid out in the old testament Torah, the more one will see the difference between Christianity and the spiritual practices of one's ancestors of olde.


The Women of Judah


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