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The Prophesy Podcast Blog

The Day of Atonement

Leviticus 23

The Day of Atonement is one of the festivals that God has commanded The Hebrew Israelites to keep throughout their generations, and to teach them to their children.

The majority of Christian Churches that are followers of Christ do NOT mention these festivals. Forget about practicing them!

But what you can be sure of, is the churches teaching about tithes, offerings, gifts, Jezebel spirits, suffer no witch to live, false prophet's, and how to judge.

And, they observe communion. A relative of mines told me her Church does communion every week. Nowhere in scripture does it says to partake in communion weekly. But, I digress.

The Day of Atonement is a commandment that God gave to Moses for The 12 Tribes, The Hebrew Israelites. The purpose of Atonement is to repent.

Repentance.... so what exactly is the reason for apologizing to God?

The things citizens did back in BC times, are the exact same things citizens are doing today in the twenty-first century.

These things are also why America, modern day Babylon, modern day Sodom and Gomorrah, is judged by God today.

Men dressing like women

Women dressing like men

Child trafficking/sexual immorality towards children


(Because it opens portals for spirits)


(Because it opens portals for spirits of lust)

Relatives marrying/having sex with each other

Public nudity

Mayors/governors taking bribes and gifts to sell out the poor

Not helping the poor

Protecting murderers, rapists

Political corruption

Married people cheating on their spouses, defiling the marital bed

Lying on someone and it costed them their life/livelihood


Moral failure, biased






Lustful eyes



Shrines and altars built to give sacrifices/offerings/gifts to deities & demons

Blood sacrifices & rituals whether human or animal

Rejecting God's word when His prophets speak to warn

People left God AND forgot all about Him

Giving offerings to "strange gods". Such as water spirits, ancestors, deities known in certain countries, etc.

For The Hebrews, It's known as pegan religions due to "gods" such as Egyptian (Isis), Chinese (Lei Gong), Indian (Kali), etc.

Even Cuba with their snake god is pegan for a Hebrew.

Celebrating pegan holidays; Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc

(Hebrew's festivals are not those holidays)

God is tired of Christians playing church

God is angry at the parents who did not teach their children the ways of God

He is tired of bearing the burdens of people asking for mercy just to find different ways to do the same exact thing

He sees people are not changing their lifestyles

He hears what's being said behind closed doors, the plotting and scheming

The core of whom people are as a whole has not changed!!

These are just a few reasons why God has judged America, and why citizens need to apologize, Atone for, to God.

When a person has their reasons for choosing The All Mighty God, The God of The Hebrews, one must know the error of their ways, the charges against them. And Change!

Not even you are obligated to accept someone's apology after they've betrayed your trust. God, is not obligated either. Because His trust was betrayed. Yet God is not a petty human.

Psalm 51 is a prayer of repentance for The Day of Atonement. If you partake in this festival, you must change your lifestyle.

It's a vow. And once you make that vow you must keep it. If you break that vow, there are consequences. Just like the deities that will usher consequences on a vow that is broken, it could cost you or someone you love, their life.

We are literally living through the end of days, that I call, "The End of History". Now is not the time to be fickle. Pick a side once and for good, And stay there.

Whether you pick The God of The Hebrews, or a deity, is your choice.


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