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𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℝ𝕖𝕔𝕒𝕡

The Prophesy Podcast Blog

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℝ𝕖𝕔𝕒𝕡

In 2023, YAH told me to remember old prophecies.

I had to dig deep because He had been sharing things with me for a very long time. Whether it was by confirmation, a dream, a vision, or His audible voice.

I use to record my dreams via audio, and they suddenly vanished. I also used an app to write them. And they suddenly vanished. Then I learned about Dropbox. And....

Even my Barnes and Noble iPad that had dreams, visions, rhema words, prophecies, etc., had concked out. Yup. The battery died. So, I spent time doing my best to remember what YAH told me.

I vaguely remembered a dream I had. Where NY residents were in a frying pan. As it heated up, the people cooked.

Another dream about NY being badly flooded and under water.

In another dream, I only remembered an oriental woman. She was very angry and wanted to war with an american woman. I remember trying to fight the oriental woman off, but to no avail.

Dreams and visions about terrestrials and entities that govern cities, states, countries and continents.

I remembered dreams with celebrities in them, and the moral of the dream was that they were not who people thought they were.

I remembered receiving a really long rhema word about america. The woes were the reasons why it would never be the same.

Another rhema word from the scriptures about the 7 fat cows, and the 7 skinny cows.

I had a vision about a black horse.

I remembered The Messiah saying He was going to return.

I remembered various things about specific words, such as iniquity, and what those words mean.

Fast forward to 2023, and the prophesies became more revealing.

So, to no further ado. Here is what YAH revealed to me over time, until now.

In no particular order:

  1. Modern day Babylon will be taken over by its enemies, and will never recover

  2. NY will be under water to never exist again

  3. Modern day Babylon will experience a severe shortage of food and water for a few years

  4. Bibles will no longer be available

  5. People will go back to worshiping YAH in the house

  6. A false Messiah will come, don't be fooled

  7. Cannibalism due to starvation

  8. Greek mythologies are not a myth, and things will leave where they've always been, to populated cities. They will eat people

  9. Humans will willingly procreate with terrestrials

  10. Those that have caused massed groups of people hardships, will not survive. Some will be eaten by things not human

  11. A wealth transfer will happen for YAH's chosen

  12. Pastors and Prophets will stop talking

  13. AI/Biblical beast system will happen no matter what citizens do

  14. Those from manosphere/passport bros/Incels will be disrupted by men way stronger than them. Some will be taken into slavery

  15. The lineage of Easu/Edomites will be modern day Indentured Servants whether they like/believe it or not

  16. Edomites that escape babylon's invasion will be found and brought back

  17. Play time is over

  18. A woman president will open up a path for a man who is the false messiah, who will be ultimately overthrown in less than 7 years

  19. No more mega churches, mega pastor's, or celebrities

  20. Those whom are highly spiritually gifted will be hunted

  21. Repentance is very important ‼️

  22. The Esther 3 day fast is very important ‼️

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